
Editor's Note: These photos are best viewed on a high quality display. A tablet will do better than a phone. And displays larger than 24" will provide a particularly immersive experience; as close to being 'there' as possible.
I haven't posted in a while. That's because I was in Pakistan and before that, getting ready to travel to Pakistan and after that, getting back into the flow following my return from Pakistan. The bad news is I didn't take a lot of photos this time. For various reasons (primarily laziness) I stayed in Islamabad and while I love Islamabad, it's a clean, modern and sleepy city that doesn't inspire me much. The good news is that the few times I did take out my camera, I think I did good.
So here they are, in no particular order and with no particular theme. Enjoy.

(OK so I did leave Islamabad a couple of times. Those familiar with my work know I have a long-time obsession with the Attock Fort and the Attock Khurd area. I think it's special but the rest of the roughly 250 million of my countrymen don't seem to agree or care. Oh well, their loss.)