48 Minutes at the Courthouse

48 Minutes at the Courthouse
Red Rock Country

The first shot in this series was taken at 6:16 PM. The last shot was taken at 7:04PM. 48 minutes.

At the Courthouse.

(Courthouse Butte, that is.)

Courthouse Butte. Last, last, last light may be my favorite kind of light on red rock.

I took a short trip to Sedona in Arizona. For the uninitiated, Sedona is a red rock gem sandwiched between the Grand Canyon to the North and the flatlands of Phoenix to the south. It's a convenient getaway for Arizonians and residents (like me) of Southern California.

Wasn't quite in a photography state-of-mind, mainly because I still have so much to unpack from Spain (yes, I intend to finish what I started, as I promised – just running a little behind). On the last night and less than an hour before sunset, I made my way to the Courthouse trailhead to see what I could do with last light.

Turned out to be a really productive 48 minutes.

Everybody loves it when the red rock glows ...
... and man, does it glow
Bell Rock

At this point, it should be uncontroversial to say that the American Southwest does not get the recognition it deserves. If you're into nature and visiting for the first time from abroad, my advice: skip Vegas. Skip LA. Skip all that. Do this 👇🏼 first.